
About Rise Protocol

Rise Protocol is a decentralized synthetic rebase asset with advanced financial tools built in
which allows it to function as a hedge against any crypto asset class. The starting peg for Ethereum
(ETH) was chosen because of its basic importance in DeFi as a whole. This peg too
easy to digest, because investors have to buy RISE using ETH.

Rise Protocol manages price volatility through elastic supply, deflationary mechanisms,
frictionless results, and industry-leading governance. Combination of technology and
human contribution allows Rise to grow rapidly, but does not exceed demand or supply. So,
token symbol named - RISE.

Token Features.

RISE will be initially pegged to 0.01 Ethereum (ETH) and will use an initial lag factor of 5 to

help prevent over-inflation. Through governance, this lag can be adjusted in the future

providing further protection against sometimes wildly changing market conditions. One of

the revolutionary benefits of RISE is that it has the flexibility to be pegged to any crypto

asset. For example, through the use of governance, RISE can be pegged to BTC, XRP, a

calculated metric or any asset class. This level of control and response of a token is


Frictionless Yield

Investors in RISE will also be the continuous beneficiaries of frictionless yield. This cutting-

edge technology instantly distributes a percentage of every buy and sell transaction back to

the wallet of all holders. This benefit is of no cost to the investor and happens automatically.

If you hold RISE you receive a portion of every transaction, just by holding the token.

Through market research and observation, we’ve found that negative rebases have an

incredibly demotivating effect on investors. A negative rebase is where the supply of a token

decreases in response to a market price falling below the peg price. While negative rebases

are necessary in order to maintain the synthetic attribute of the token, and though no value is

lost during a negative rebase, many investors fail to understand this. They see their wallet

balance decrease, not realizing that the price of each token increased as a result, and panic

sell, leading to further negative rebases. This causes a cascading effect that is incredibly hard

to recover from.

Taking into consideration both the necessity and the detrimental effect that negative rebases

can have, we’ve decided to adopt a revolutionary hybrid approach that incorporates powerful

deflationary mechanisms. This is a first amongst rebase tokens and will allow us to greatly

reduce the number of negative rebases while also allowing time to effectively communicate

an impending supply contraction to our investors.

Supermassive Black Hole

Our first line of defense against a negative rebase is a “Supermassive Black Hole”. This is a

publicly viewable burn address that receives a fixed percentage of RISE for every transaction.

Each and every transaction will “feed” the Supermassive Black Hole. This address will also

grow through frictionless yield and will scale with rebases. As the Supermassive Black Hole

grows larger, the deflationary effects also grow larger, creating a feedback loop that

exponentially scales the deflationary effects over time.

Supply Adjustments

If, however, the market price is below 5% of the peg price for 3 consecutive days at 20:00

UTC, a “supply adjustment” will be triggered, which will instantly bring market price to peg

while reducing the supply of RISE. In addition to branding away from the “negative rebase”

terminology, which in itself has negative connotations, we will also be actively educating our

investors and providing a warning if a “supply adjustment” can occur during the rebase time

of 20:00 UTC that day. Investors will be fully aware and informed of an upcoming “supply

adjustment”, preventing a lot of the panic selling thatis witnessed in other rebase tokens.

Liquidity providers will automatically receive a distribution of rewards. Like frictionless yield,

but only for those who choose to provide liquidity - a portion of each transaction will be

automatically be rewarded to liquidity providers. There is no need to interact with a staking

interface. Simply hold the LP tokens from Uniswap in your wallet, and you will see their value

go up over time.

Token sale details:

Hard cap: 375 ETH

Total number of presales: 37,500 RISE

Initial total supply: 100,000 RISE

White List Presale Begins: February 7. 2021, 20:00 UTC

Whitelist Presale Expires: February 7, 2021, 21:00 UTC

General Presale Begins: February 7, 2021, 22:00 UTC

Token Distribution

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The Idea and Concept

November 2020 – the project idea is

born. Plans are drawn up and smart

contracts are created.

Beta Testing

Dec 2020 – Extensive testing on Ropsten

testnet to ensure everything down to the

smallest detail works as designed

Token Presale

Jan 2021 – Seed investors sale followed

by a presale in February 2021 with

37,500 RISE on offer.

Code audit and go live

Feb 2021 – Professional code audit and

launch of Rise Protocol on Uniswap

Q2 2021 –
Introduction of Governance Platform.

New partnership announced to create

additional transactions, utilizing

frictionless yield.

Q3 Enhancements

Q3 2021 – Implement Chainlink Price

Oracles to further enhance the adaptable

and dynamic peg function. Further

enhance rebase dashboard to pull in

additional feeds

Rise Protocol Team

  • Shuaps - Technical Leadership, Project Management & Strategy
  • PBL00 - Branding, Strategy & Development
  • Jamie - Development, Audit & Strategy
  • Andy - Website, Social Media & Community Manager
  • Radinho - Website, Social Media & Community Manager
  • CJ - Marketing
  • CryptKeep3r - Website, Social Media & Community Manager.


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For More Information Rise Protocol Link :




$RISE #ieo #blockchain #dot #bounty #defi #Rise #RiseProtocol #RebaseToken #FrictionlessYield #Rebases #DynamicPeg
 #blackhole #AutoLiquidity #AutoRewards

Forum Username: Vechainz

Forum Profile Link:;u=2437174
Telegram username: @Vechainz
ETH Wallet Address: 0xf767EFe35363c598Fe6ceED2A2A7ef787bCC5139


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